Thursday, February 13, 2014

T13.Eliza Bennett has a Change of Heart - aka BR-2, Leigh's Woods



I love both of these fabrics so much. I decided to keep most of the color
out of the background and try to respect the directionality of the gold as much as I could
without going crazy doing it. I almost made it...

Thrift store find this week... just forced myself to watch Mr. Darcy again...
Good old Eliza had a change of heart, thank goodness. Sensible girl.
The gold bodice that matches my block. : )
OK, how one would stand there facing a freshly bathed
darcy without one's knees buckling is beyond me.
Gold miniature: not sure - I think it's Judie Rothermel
and Sturbridge Village IV by Judie Rothermel


  1. I love the way you are doing this quilt, enormous admiration which I hope to emulate some time soon. Margaret.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! Keep me posted - would love to see it.

  2. Thanks for commenting on my blog......I'm so glad you found me! And I've been so wanting to start my DJ.....maybe your blogs are the push I need to get going on it! And totally agree with your comment about knee-buckling Mr. Darcy! He's so yummy! :o)
